Teacher: Jessica Taylor
Date/Time: Monday - 12:45 PM to 2:15 PM
Room: 255/257
Department: Middle/Elementary
Grade Level: Elementary School |
Grade Level: 4-6
This course emphasizes language usage and the writing process. Students will learn how to write book reports, letters, and complete research reports. In addition to creative writing exercises and instruction on using resource materials, students will receive traditional grammar training. By the completion of the course, students will be able to identify simple and compound subjects and verbs; diagram sentences and write good complete sentences. Students will also have weekly spelling lists that teach prefixes, suffixes and root words. The reading assignments for the class will be assigned throughout the year, along with 3 books of their own choice. Grading will based on classwork, homework, tests and projects. Text: God`s Gift of Language B, Spelling Vocabulary & Poetry 6, and assigned novels throughout the year.
Cost: $540 Full Year/$65 per month
Minimum of 6 students