Eastside Academic Studies


Economics (Fall)/ US Gov't (Spring) AM

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Teacher: Tim Jarnagin
Email: tljarnagin@att.net
Date/Time: Tuesday - 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM
Room: 259/261
Department: History and Social Studies
Grade Level: High School (9th-12th)
Maximum Enrollment: 17

Personal Finance and Economics (Fall Semester)

and US Government (Spring Semester)

Grade Level:  High School (9th-12th)

Personal Finance and Economics is taught in the fall semester and includes a study of micro-economics, macro-economics, supply & demand, economic models, government role, inflation, GDP, fiscal and monetary policy, banking, investing and taxes.  In addition to the fundamentals of economic decision-making, microeconomics, macroeconomics and international economics, students will learn personal financial skills they can apply to their own futures—including managing and balancing budgets; understanding and building credit; protecting against identity theft and consumer protections; and understanding tax forms, student loan applications, and pay stubs. We will be closely following current economic events and integrate those key events into our studies for relevance, real-life application, and instructional reinforcement activities. Students will have the opportunity to compare capitalism with other economic systems, as well as causes and effects of notable financial crises. Students will build an online stock market investment portfolio, and inspect, track and report on their portfolio's performance. Woven throughout the course will be an emphasis on personal applications and implications of the economic topics studied.

High School United States Government is taught in the spring semester.  Some of the topics studied include:  Types of government, roots and foundations of our US government, the Constitutional Convention and how its major decisions are perceived and impact us today.  We will take an in-depth look into the content and Amendments of our US Constitution, and students will have the opportunity to study key Amendments as they were written, intended and interpreted through the years.  We will study each of the 3 branches of the Federal Government, their powers as they were intended by the founders, and how that has endured over the years.  The Federal Bureaucracy, Foreign Policy, Government Spending, and the Impact and Influence of the Media on Government will also be topics of emphasis. A study of our State and Local Government will also be included.


Our Christian worldview will be woven into the fabric of both the Economics and US Government classes.

·         For both classes, students will be responsible for homework which will include a select mix of readings, projects, reports and video assignments to complete.

·         Students should expect frequent quizzes.

·         Final grades will be a function of:

o   Homework

o   Quizzes

o   Mid-term exam

o   Final exam

o   Optional extra-credit/bonus work

·         Tuition:  $345 for fall semester and $380 for spring semester. Semester payments are due paid in full prior to first day of class at the start of each semester.

o   $675 for both classes when paid in full prior to first day of class at start of fall semester.  The supplies fee is $25 for the year when paid in advance with Tuition.

Minimum enrollment per class: 5;  Maximum enrollment per class: 12.  After 12 students have enrolled I will start a waiting list.


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