American Sign Language 1
American Sign Language 1 (ASL1) Minimum students: 5 American Sign Language ( ASL) will be open and available to grade levels 8th through 12th.
Though this course may appear simple, it will be a challenge for the student. The class is designed for students to receive personalized attention as well as allow for the group to work in a team-like atmosphere. The student will be encouraged to use ASL in the classroom and interact with the deaf community. Voice in the classroom will be used half of the class period. This approach which immerses the student in the language is the best way to become comfortable in the language, retain what has been learned and improve both receptive and expressive skills. The student will learn to sign in context using the textbook in the classroom and outside the classroom. DEAF Culture will be examined through Videos, reading articles and homework assignments. (The Atlanta Area School for the Deaf in the Clarkston community area of Atlanta usually hosts an Annual Fall Festival event which is always the first weekend in November. ASL students will be encouraged to attend this event dependent upon the status of COVID Pandemic.) Course textbook: A Basic Course in American Sign Language, by Tom Humphries, Carol Padden and Terrence J. O'Rourke (Illustrated by Frank A. Paul) Grades: Grades will be based on Homework (includes Deaf events), Quizzes, Class Participation, Attendance and Exams (Mid-Term & Final). Grades will be posted in Gradebook. Course Tuition: $700 if paid before the first day of class or $365 per semester. The first semester payment is due on or before the first day of class and the second payment is due the day that the Spring semester begins. If additional siblings are enrolled in ASL classes, please ask about a sibling discount. There is also a One-Time Supply fee of $75 dollars, due on or before the first day of class. Enrollment in this course is for the entire school year. By enrolling in this course, you are committing for a complete year of study and full payment of tuition. Understandably, there may be exceptions. If for some reason the student cannot continue the class, in such cases parents should contact me to discuss a possible prorated refund. " Relax and Have Fun! " |