Eastside Academic Studies


American Sign Language 3 (ASL 3)

Instructor Image

Teacher: Teresa Hatten
Date/Time: Tuesday - 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM
Room: 255/257
Department: Foreign Languages
Grade Level: High School (9th-12th)
Maximum Enrollment: 10

Minimum Students: 4

Course Description: For this course, the student must have successfully completed ASL I and ASL II because it will continue to build upon the two previous classes. The course is designed to challenge the student and continue to build on visual acuity, physical dexterity in accurately producing clear signs and demonstrating that your signing is understood.  ASL III will expand upon grammar, facial expressions, body language, classifiers, and vocabulary.  The student will create and sign short vignettes, learn how to translate sentences Voice to ASL and ASL to Voice. The student will sign songs, Bible verses as well as current event news articles.  They will continue in their development, reinforcement and appreciation of Deaf culture.  Personalized attention will still be provided as well as group-team assignments.  The student will be encouraged to use ASL in the classroom and practice with others outside the classroom.  Voice in the classroom will be minimal.  The student is immersed in the language to emphasize the best ways to become comfortable and to express the use of the language.  It also helps with retention of what has been learned and improves both receptive and expressive skills.

For this course, we will continue to use ‘A Basic Course in American Sign Language’ (second edition), by Tom Humphries, Carol Padden and Terrence J. O’Rourke. The student will be required to make and submit three (3) 5-minute presentations on specific subjects (i.e. News articles, short stories, Things they like to do, etc.).  The ASL III student will be more interactive with the DEAF community and reading books on DEAF Culture with follow-up written reports on their insights gained from their experience with the DEAF.

We will continue to use a lot of repetition!  “Continue to Relax and Have Fun! “

Supplemental materials:

American Sign Language, The original Green Book, (Grammar and Culture) by Charlotte Baker-Shenk and Dennis Cokely

ASL Grammar, The Workbook, Rochelle Barlow

Additional materials as needed.

Grades: Grades will be based on Homework (includes Deaf events), Quizzes, Class Participation, Attendance and Exams (Mid-Term & Final).  Grades will be posted in Gradebook.

Course Tuition:  $625 if paid before the first day of class or $315 per semester.  The first semester payment is due on or before the first day of class and the second payment is due the day the Spring semester begins.  If additional siblings are enrolled in ASL classes, please ask about a sibling discount.  There is also a One-Time Supply/Activity fee of $45 dollars, due on or before the first day of class.  Enrollment in this course is for the entire school year.  By enrolling in this course, you are committing for a complete year of study and full payment of tuition.  Understandably, there may be exceptions.  If for some reason the student cannot continue the class, in such cases parents should contact me to discuss a possible prorated refund.

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