Eastside Academic Studies


The Art of Sewing

Teacher: Maren Katz
Date/Time: Thursday - 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Room: Parlor
Departments: Art and Music, Other
Grade Level: High School (9th-12th), Middle School (6th-8th)
Maximum Enrollment: 10

Do you need a reason to sew??

It counts as school but feels like a hobby, how cool is that! (This class can count as a middle or high school elective (art or home economics))

  1. It’s fun!!!
  2. It’s a great life skill (ever lost a button or ripped some Jeans??
  3. It’s creative (who wouldn’t have unique accessories or even clothes??)

Come and explore how a modern sewing machine works and put it to work right away and create fun and useful items, that are easy and fashionable.

Cord keepers, hair scrunchies, a hot pack, a pencil/ make-up pouch with zipper, a quilted bag and more will get your creative juices flowing, while you learn to sew in the first semester. The second semester we’ll venture out to clothes making, first some easy PJ pants, then some other clothes.

This class does not require any sewing skills, but if you already know a bit is not a problem either.

Necessary to bring to class for each student:

-Working and portable sewing machine WITH printed handbook (important!!!)

(Feel free to contact me for advice if you plan on buying one, you can find nice and quiet inexpensive ones at amazon or Walmart, preferably look for “brother” brand)

(There’s also the option to rent a machine from me, please reach out if you need one!)

-Carrying bag or hard case for sewing machine

--> before class starts, I'll send out a detailed list with needed items like scissors, etc. and fabric requirements for special projects

(The supply fee will cover some fabric and materials needed for small projects and the patterns for the second semester. The students will need to buy some additional fabric for both semesters, see supply list)

Minimum class size: 5 students

Tuition: $105 per month (or $125 if less than 5 students) for 9 months, due the 1st of the month (August due 1st class)

Supply Fee: $30 per semester due in September and January (see above, additional fabric will be needed)

Please contact me with any questions, I'll be happy to help you!

Maren Katz  deutschkatz@gmail.com 404 626 4624


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