Teacher: Derek Owens
Date/Time: Thursday - 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Room: FH1
Departments: Math, Science
Grade Level: High School (9th-12th) |
This class starts at 9:30am Description
An introduction to computer science with a primary emphasis on software development.
Fees The cost of the course is $95 per month for nine months. Online course materials, class files, and videos of all class lectures will be provided online at no additional cost.
Course Content During the first semester, the course introduces programming techniques using the Python programming language. Python is a popular language with widespread industry use. Initial lessons cover the building blocks of writing software: variables, conditional statements, loops, functions, graphical user interface components, and data structures.
The second half of the course includes an introduction to web development. Languages and programming environments used are HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Students are able to develop functional web sites while learning how the Internet is structured and operates.
Prerequisites Basic computer skills. Students should have a basic knowledge of everyday use of a computer before beginning this class, including a basic working knowledge of the following terms and concepts: text file, hard drive, RAM, directory or folder, subdirectory, copying files.
Algebra 1 is recommended but not strictly required. Students should understand the mathematical concepts of variables, expressions, and functions. These ideas are routinely used in computer programming.
Materials Students will need to bring a laptop to class. If a student does not have a laptop, possible sharing or borrowing a laptop may work. Students will need a computer at home with an internet connection. The Student Workbook is available on the Derek Owens website. No textbook will be required for this class. Students will be accessing various files and servers, and Mr. Robinson will provide access to these materials when needed.
Difficulty Level This is a full year course in computer science with the main emphasis of writing software. This class will be offered at two levels, Regular and Honors, and in doing so is expected to accommodate a fairly broad range of student ability. Students may enroll without choosing whether they wish to take the Regular or the Honors version of the course, and may decide as the course progresses and may switch during the course if needed.
Homework, Tests and Grades Students will be given specific assignments to complete each week. Assignments will be graded and parents will be kept informed with regular progress reports. To maximize instructional time in class, tests will be given at home. A final exam will be taken in class at the end of the school year. Students will receive a numerical grade for each semester and for the year. The grade is calculated based on tests, graded homework and the final exam.