Teacher: Derek Owens
Date/Time: Thursday - 1:15 PM to 3:15 PM
Room: FH1
Department: Science
Grade Level: High School (9th-12th)
Maximum Enrollment: 20 |
Description This course is a high school physics course with lab exercises. It will cover the topics normally covered in a high school physics. This course is one of the three core high school science classes: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Students should have completed a course in Algebra 1 before enrolling in Physics.
Lecture and Class Time Class time will primarily be spent on instruction. Students should bring their Student Workbook to each class, or a printout of the pages for that week. The pages of the workbook are identical to the instructor`s lecture notes, except the student version has the solutions and answers deleted. During the lecture the students take notes and solve the example problems in the workbook.
Videos of the lectures are also available online, and these videos go through the same lecture notes, point by point. Students use the videos to cover any material that time constraints did not permit us to cover in our weekly class. Or, if a student misses a class or needs to review the material, all of the course content is available online. It is possible to take the entire course online, and many students do each year.
TextbookThe textbook is no longer required for this class. All of the course content comes from the lectures and the Student Workbook. The course was originally based on the book Physics by Douglas Giancoli, 5th edition, published by Prentice Hall. This is a text used by many high schools and some colleges. If needed, a copy of the textbook can be provided as a reference and as a source of additional practice problems.
Homework, Tests and GradesStudents will be given specific assignments to complete each week. Assignments will consist of Practice Problems from the workbook, instructional videos online, and written assignments.
To maximize instructional time in class, tests will be given at home. One final exam for each semester will be taken in class at the end of each semester. Students will receive a numerical grade for each semester and for the year. The grade is calculated based on tests, graded homework and the final exams.
Difficulty Level Not all students require the same pace and difficulty level. Some may need or prefer a class that is more challenging and at a faster pace, while some may desire a class that is not accelerated. This class is offered simultaneously on two difficulty levels, regular and honors. The lectures are the same for both. The honors students will have additional homework problems that are more difficult, and on each test will have an extra page with more challenging questions. Note that the honors class is not an AP class. It is simply a more challenging version of the same course. The goal is for the classes to closely correspond to "Regular Physics" and "Honors Physics" classes at a good private school. Students may decide whether they will take the standard or honors version of the course after completing one or two chapters.
Internet Access Access to a computer with a high speed internet connection is strongly recommended. Instructional materials such as lecture videos, lecture notes, homework assignments and tests will available over the internet. Graded assignments and tests will also be returned via email in order to provide more timely feedback. Progress reports will be put on the website and updated regularly.
Cost $95 per month for nine months. Students will need to purchase a copy of the "Student Workbook", which should be around $25 each semester. Videos of the class lectures will be provided online at no additional cost.
For more details and a course outline, see www.DerekOwens.com.