AP Psychology
About this Course: Grades: 11-12 10th grade students will need to speak with the instructor to receive permission to join the class The AP Psychology class offered by College Board is a college level course that explores the fascinating world of psychology. In this class, you'll dive into the study of the human mind and behavior. You'll learn about various psychological theories, research methods, and key concepts. This course conforms to College Board topics for the Advanced Placement Introductory Psychology Examination and covers methods, approaches, and the history of psychology as a science, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, learning, cognition, motivation and emotion, developmental psychology, personality, testing and individual differences, abnormal psychology, treatment of psychological disorders and social psychology. You'll also explore how psychologists conduct research and analyze data to better understand human behavior. The class not only delves into the science behind psychology but also encourages critical thinking and analytical skills. You'll engage in discussions, conduct experiments, and explore real-world applications of psychological principles. It is a rigorous class that requires weekly readings, video lecture viewings, projects and study. At the end of the course, there's an opportunity to take the AP Psychology exam, that can earn you college credit if you perform well. Overall, the AP Psychology class is a great way to gain insights into the human mind and behavior while preparing for the challenges of college-level coursework. Our Creator has blessed humanity with the knowledge of the physical body, and we have been equally gifted with an understanding of the mind. A great deal of the science of psychology aligns with Biblical teaching and whenever possible, I will share with my students the connections between the study of psychology and The Word of God. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7 Please reach out to me if you have questions about the course. Email: sondraobas@gmail.com Cell Phone: 334-224-1871 Textbook and Materials: " Psychology in Modules "12th edition, David Myers, and Nathan DeWall OR "Exploring Psychology 11/e in Modules Audible Logo Audible Audiobook" – Unabridged David G. Myers (Author), C. Nathan DeWall (Author), Kathleen McInerney (Narrator), Macmillan Audio (Publisher) (Students may choose to purchase a hardcopy of the textbook, or the audio version)
During class time and at home, students will need the use of a digital device such as a computer, tablet, or cell phone with access to the internet for required online quizzes, AP study materials, and assignments. Tuition and Fee: The cost of the course is $399.00 per semester and a one-time $50.00 Fee Students who pay for the entire year (both semesters) by the first day of class will receive a $50.00 deduction. All payments are due on the first day of class and are not refundable once the class starts. Additional cost include the course Textbook and the materials listed above