Eastside Academic Studies


AP African American Studies

Instructor Image

Teacher: Jessica Taylor
Date/Time: Tuesday - 9:00 AM to 12:15 PM
Room: 263
Departments: Advanced Placement (AP), History and Social Studies
DOE Number: 45.01910
Grade Level: High School (9th-12th)
Maximum Enrollment: 12

Grades 9-12

Pre-Requisites:  There are no specific prerequisite courses for AP African American Studies. However, students should be able to read a college-level textbook and be able to express themselves clearly in writing.

This is a college level course that studies the history of African Americans and has been approved by the College Board.  We will cover all of the topics required by the College Board for the AP African American Studies Exam.  

APĀ® African American Studies is a groundbreaking course that invites students to deep-dive into the rich tapestry of African American history and culture. This interdisciplinary curriculum, covering fields such as history, literature, the arts, and science, is designed to illuminate the diverse contributions and pivotal experiences of African Americans through the ages. From the ancient kingdoms of Africa to the vibrant pulse of today's cultural achievements and social challenges, students will explore an array of topics through a variety of analytical lenses.

This is a holistic and evidence-based learning experience to help students develop analytical thinking skills. This course is more than just a history lesson; it's an exploration of the contributions that African Americans have made to the fabric of American society and the world at large.


Tuition: $425 per semester due the first day of each semester.

Students who pay for the entire year (both semesters) by August 2, 2024 will receive a $50.00 deduction.
Supply Fee: $45 Each Semester (Includes supplies, admin fees, online student resources)

Primary Textbook: 

Hine, Darlene Clark, William C. Hine, and Stanley C. Harrold. The African-American Odyssey, Combined Volume. 7th ed. Pearson, 2019.

Additional Resources and Supplies:

  • AP African American Studies: Teaching with Objects Learning Lab
  • CollegeBoard articles, videos, and lessons
  • College-Rule Spiral, Pens, Pencils, Highlighters, Markers 
  • Use of a digital device such as a computer, tablet, or cell phone with access to the internet for required online quizzes, AP study materials, and assignments- during class and at home.

File Attachments:   AP African American Studies Student Flyer.pdf (210 KB)
APAAS Syllabus 2024-2025_Revised Aug 24.pdf (314 KB)
Authorization_African_American_Studies_Tayl_2024-25.pdf (18 KB)
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