Chemistry: Lecture and Laboratory
GA DOE 40.05100 Mrs. Romanoff has tried to instill a sense wonder in the classroom for over thirty years. Her desire is to assist her students, and today's technology makes that possible via email, video conferencing, and phone conversations. Lectures and laboratory experiments will provide the foundation for the class. Mrs. Romanoff believes the laboratory experience is essential to science. Chemistry encompasses the study of matter and its properties. We will explore the atom and its structure, bonding , and reactions: their spontaneity, energy exchanges, and speed. To round things out we will cover solutions, gases, and stoichiometry (quantitative tracking of chemicals in a reaction.) Prerequisites:
Homework requires approximately 4 hours of study a week outside of class. Text: Exploring Creation with Chemistry (2nd Edition with Solutions Manual) by Dr. Jay Wile. Supplies: Scientific Calculator needed ($10.00 variety is sufficient), Loose-leaf notebook, Approximately 10 sheets of graph paper. Cost: $675 if paid by the beginning of the school year or $345 per semester, or $80.00 for 9 months beginning Sept. 1 Lab/ Supply Fee $35 a year. Class size: minimum of 8, maximum of 14.