Eastside Academic Studies


Gradebook Instructions


  • Log into your parent account on this website. Click on My Account and My Students. Select a student and select a class. You will see a set of tabs. Click on Gradebook and you will be able to view the student’s grades for that class. Click on Attendance and you will be able to see the student’s attendance record for that class. .

  • Log into your student account on this website.  (This account was created by your parent when they registered). Click on My Account and select one of your classes. You will see a set of tabs. Click on Gradebook and you will be able to view your grades for that class. You can also view a list of class assignments and a calendar with assignment due dates and other dates relevant to the class.

  • If the parent does not remember the student’s username, he or she can view the student’s username on their My Students page. If the parent does not remember the student’s password, he or she can change the password at the bottom of the student’s profile page while in the edit tab.

  • In order to upload a document for an assignment, a student needs to click on the assignment. The student will see a New Assignment Submission button under the assignment description. Once the student clicks on that button the student will be able to upload a document as well as write a comment about the uploaded document. The student will be able to see the teacher’s comments and any documents uploaded by the teacher in response to that uploaded document in the same area. A student needs to be logged into his or her own account, not the parent’s account, in order to see the New Assignment Submission button.


  • Grading Scale - You can choose to customize the grading scale or use the default 10% brackets (A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70 - 79, D: 60 - 69).

        Custom - Select custom and input your grade brackets.

    Show Letter Grade - If True, parents and students will be able to see the letter grades.

    Show Percentage – If True, parents and students will be able to see the percentage grades.

    Show Category Weights – If True, the category weights will appear in the grade report.

    Sort Students By – Students can be sorted by last name or first name.

    Sort Gradebook Assignments By – Gradebook assignments can be arranged in a number of different ways.  They are:

        Due Date - Newer First

        Due Date - Oldest First

        Date Entered - Newest First

        Date Entered - Oldest First

        Category & Newest Due Date

        Category & Oldest Due Date

    Rounding – You can select how far you would like to round the percentage grade calculations. The choices are:

        To Nearest Whole Number

        To Nearest Half

        To Nearest Tenth

        To Nearest Hundredth

        Down To Next Whole Number

        Up To Next Whole Number

    Assignment Scores Represent – You can decide if your assignment score is based on points or based on percentages. For example, assume the total possible points is 5. A student’s score can be entered as a 4 or as an 80 depending on whether you choose Points out of the Points Possible or Percentages of the Points Possible.

    Grade Terms – You can select the term for the grading for your class depending on whether the grading is for both semesters but separate grades, only one semester, or one combined grade for the year. The choices are:

        Fall and Spring

        Fall Only

        Spring Only

        Fall and Spring As One Combined Term

    Special Student Settings – You can individualize certain settings for each student in your class. The settings are:

    Course Title for Grade Report – This allows the teacher to input a different class name for an individual student as needed. For example, “Honors Ninth Grade Literature” or “Ninth Grade Literature” for Multicultural Lit taken in the 9th grade. The new name will appear on the grade report for that student.

    Block Access to Gradebook – This allows the teacher to block the student and parent’s access to Gradebook in the event that payment has not been made for the class.

    Date of Withdrawal from Course – This allows the teacher to input the date on which a student withdraws from a course. The teacher will no longer see the student in his or her roster after that date. However, the parent and student will continue to have access to grades that have been posted prior to that date. If a teacher needs to input an additional grade, he or she can remove the date of withdrawal in order to reinstate the student, input the grade, and then re-input the date of withdrawal.

    Save  - Be sure to save all changes.

  • Inside your course, click on the Assignments tab. Click on New Assignment.

    Assignment Title - Enter the name of the assignment

    Points Possible - Enter the total possible points for the assignment  Check the box if you would like the students to see the total possible points.

    Category – Select the category for the assignment if you have already created categories, e.g. Tests, Quizzes, Homework, etc.  If you have not created categories and would like to use them, you can see how to do so in the Creating Categories section.

    Rubric – Select the rubric for the assignment if you have one and you have already created rubrics.  If you have not created rubrics and you would like to attach one, you can see how to do so in the Creating Rubrics section.

    Due Date – Enter the due date for the assignment.  Check the Show Due Date box if you would like the students to see the due date listed in the assignment heading.  The assignment will show up in the calendar on the due date whether or not the box is checked.

    Start Date – Enter the date the assignment becomes available for the students to see in their assignments section and on the calendar.  This can be left blank if you would like the assignment to be made available immediately. Check the Show Start Date box if you would like the students to see the Start Date in the assignment heading.

    End Date – Enter the date the assignment will no long be available to the students.  You would use this if you would like the students to no longer have access to the assignment after this date.  This can be left blank if you would like the assignment to remain available throughout the semester. Check the Show End Date box if you would like the students to see the End Date in the assignment heading.

    Status  - Select Active if you would like the assignment to become live.  Select Disabled if you would like the assignment to not show up for the students.

    Show Title Block – Select No if you would like to put your own stylized title in the Body section. 

    Body – Enter a description of the assignment here.  You can leave this blank if the assignment is an attachment. You can include hyperlinks and use formatting styles in the description.

    Use As Extra Credit – Select Yes if you would like this assignment to be calculated as extra credit either within that category or in the overall points. (If a student earns the total number of points for the extra credit assignment, the student's final grade will be increased by 1%. If you would like it to be worth 2%, you can give a student 10 points for an assignment with a total points of 5 or for 3%, 15 points for an assignment with a total points of 5).

    Use in Cumulative Grade Calculation – Select No if you would not like the grade for this assignment to enter into the cumulative grade calculation.  The student will see a grade for the assignment but it will not affect the cumulative grade.

    Order – Enter a number here if you do not want the assignments to be ordered by due dates.  

    File Attachment(s) – You can attach a document or a video here.  The size limit is 50 megabytes.

    Show Attachment List – Select No if you have attachments that  are not to be accessed by the students as an attachment.  For examples, if an attachment has its link in the Body section.

    Attached File Goes to Stand-Alone Page – If you would like the attached file to go to a different tab in the browser, put the name of the attachment in this box.  You can only use pdfs and image files.

    Attached File Goes to Popup Window – If you would like the attached file to go to a popup window, put the name of the attachment in this box. The window will popup on top of the browser page.  You can only use pdfs and image files.

    Display Width, Display Height – Enter the desired pixels if you would like to change the size of the attachment in the popup window. 

    Redirect to URL – Enter a web page address if you would like the student to be redirected to another web page.

    Opens New Tab – Select Yes if you would like the web page to open up in a new tab rather than replacing the current page.

    Save - Be sure to save all changes.

  • Click on Assignments.  You will see a list of the assignments you created.  You must click on Edit to edit the assignment.  If you click on the assignment name, you will only see what the students see.

    You can also delete assignments from this list.

  • Gradebook entries are entries that do not have assignments related to them but for which you would like to give students a grade, e.g. class participation, attendance at field trip, in-class/pop quiz, etc..

    Inside your course, click on the Assignments tab.

    Click on New Gradebook Entry.

    Title – Enter the name of the gradebook entry.

    Points Possible – Enter the total possible points for the gradebook entry. 

    Category – Select the category for the gradebook entry if you have already created categories, e.g. Field Trips.  If you have not created categories and would like to use them, you can see how to do so in the Creating Categories section.

    Date – Enter the date for activity.

    Status  - Select Active if you would like the gradebook entry to become live.  Select Disabled if you would like the gradebook entry to not show up for the students.

    Use As Extra Credit – Select Yes if you would like this gradebook entry to be calculated as extra credit either within that category or in the overall points.

    Use in Cumulative Grade Calculation – Select No if you would not like the grade for this gradebook entry to enter into the cumulative grade calculation.  The student will see a grade for the gradebook entry but it will not affect the cumulative grade.

    Order – Enter a number here if you do not want the gradebook entries to be ordered by dates.  

    Save - Be sure to save all changes.

  • Inside your course, click on the Assignments tab.

    Click on New Category.

    Title – Enter the name of the Category.

    Percentage Weight – Enter the weight of the category if you are using weights.   You can have categories without weights.

    Save - Be sure to save all changes.

  • Inside your course, click on the Assignments tab. Click on New Rubric.

    Rubric Title – Enter the name of the rubric.

    Show Title – Select No if you would like to put your own stylized title in the Body section. 

    Body – Enter the rubric here.  You can leave this blank if the rubric is an attachment. You can include hyperlinks and formatting styles in the description.

    File Attachment(s) – You can attach a document or a video here.  The size limit is 50 megabytes.

    Show Attachment List – Select No if you have attachments that are not to be accessed by the students as an attachment.  For example, if an attachment has its link in the Body section.

    Attached File Goes to Stand-Alone Page – If you would like the attached file to go to a different tab in the browser, put the name of the attachment in this box.  You can only use PDFs and image files.

    Attached File Goes to Popup Window – If you would like the attached file to go to a popup window, put the name of the attachment in this box.  You can only use PDFs and image files.

    Display Width, Display Height – Enter the desired pixels if you would like to change the size of the attachment in the popup window. 

    Redirect to URL – Enter a web page address if you would like the student to be redirected to another web page.

    Opens New Tab – Select Yes if you would like the web page to open up in a new tab rather than replacing the current page.

    Save - Be sure to save all changes.

  • Once an assignment is created, the students are automatically populated.  You can see the student names at the bottom of the assignment page in the edit mode. Grades and comments can be entered there.  Be sure to Save all changes.

  • Inside your course, click on the Gradebook tab. There you will be able to see the list of students, assignments, and grades.
  • Inside your course, click on the Attendance tab.

    Daily View - You can edit attendance in the Daily View.

    Monthly View – You can view the attendance for a given month.

    Attendance Totals – You can view the attendance totals for the semester.

    You can choose from the following possible entries:

    P – present

    AE – excused absence

    AU – unexcused absence

    TE – excused tardy

    TU – unexcused tardy

    Unprepared – student came to class unprepared.

    Comments - You can enter comments for further explanation of the entries.

    The system automatically finds the dates of your class.

    The default is present, so you do not have to put in anything for the student who is present, on time, and prepared. 

    You can pair unprepared with any of the other entries.

    Dates - The system automatically finds the dates of your class. If you leave the start and end dates in your class set up blank, the system will go according to the program's calendar.  You can enter your own start and end dates if they are different from the program's start and end dates.

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