Eastside Academic Studies


AP Psychology

Instructor Image

Teacher: Kelli Jones
Date/Time: Tuesday - 9:00 AM to 12:15 PM
Room: Prayer Room
Departments: Advanced Placement (AP), History and Social Studies
Grade Level: High School (9th-12th)
Maximum Enrollment: 12

Advanced Placement (AP) Psychology 

Corresponds with DOE course code 45.01600 ; 1 core credit; Class minimum: 6

Grades 10-12 (9th graders with permission)

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." William James (1842-1910)

What causes each of us to become, well, us? What part of us is from our genetics? How much is from our training? How much is from our culture?  How does our faith change our ability to choose?  These questions are not new.  The formation of self has interested humankind for thousands of years.  In this class, we join in that conversation.

AP Psychology will introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals in context (https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-psychology/course-audit)While this course is equivalent to a college level course, it is not to be feared. Coursework may take extra time when compared to a non-AP class  (60-90 min. of homework per day is average), but this course's content is interesting, understandable and practical to life.

This class will cover all of the content areas of the National AP exam: the history of psychology, research methods, learning, consciousness, stages of development, abnormal behavior, and several more.  It will be taught in a systematic and understandable way.  There will be time to interact with the material and each other.  We will take time to explore how the Gospel story of humanity - created, fallen, redeemed - integrates with what we are learning.

We will work together to prepare students to take the National AP exam in May, should they choose, to take advantage of the option to earn college credit for this course. 

Grades will be based on attendance and engagement, homework, tests/quizzes, class participation, a popular psychology book report and presentation, and an APA style research paper.

Textbook: Psychology in Modules, 12th Edition by David C. Myers and C. Nathan Dewall (ISBN-10: 1-319-05061)  

Tuition:       $745/year, payment due first class of all semester

                   $385/semester, payment due first class of each semester

Fees:          $80/year for supplies, materials, and admin. fee - due at the fall parent-teacher meeting

Feel free to contact Mrs. Jones at kellijones.school@gmail.com or text at 770-403-4664. We can chat on the phone or in person at a location that works for us both.

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